Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Social Madia Initiative May Help Increase Organ Donation Essay Example for Free

Social Madia Initiative May Help Increase Organ Donation Essay A new social media initiative helped to boost organ donor registration rates, according to a new study published in the American Journal of Transplantation. The findings suggest that social media might be an effective tool for tackling a variety of problems related to public health in which communication and education are essential. It suggests that social media and social networks may be valuable tools in re-approaching refractory public health problems. (Cameron, A. M. et al. , 2013). Attitudes towards tissue and organ donation have been frequently investigated. Studies, mostly conducted in the United States and Western Europe, have shown that people generally hold positive attitudes towards tissue and organ donation, but only a small percentage of the population really decides to donate them. Many non-donors still hold favorable attitudes towards donor behavior and realize the need for transplants but lack to act upon those attitudes and knowledge. In such situations, a person’s behavior can be influenced by promotion through persuasive messages. A multidimensional conceptualization of donor attitudes was proposed, implying that attitudes towards donation are best represented by two dimensions: one referring to positive aspects and the other to negative consequences of donation. Positive emotions concerning organ donation mostly arise from feeling of pride in being a donor and from the belief in the humanitarian benefits of organ donation, whereas the negative dimension reflects fears of body mutilation and of receiving inadequate medical treatment when ones life is at risk. Parisi Katz, 1986). Concerning organ donation appeals was found that the most effective measure for increasing donation rates was informational message, followed by emotional message, and a message addressing fear. (McIntyre, P. et al. , 1987). Organ transplantation is the most preferred treatment modality for patients with end-stage organ disease. There is an inadequate supply of cadaver organs commensurate with need. Health-care professionals are the critical link in augmenting public awareness about organ donation. Their attitudes and beliefs can influence the public opinion. Another study aims at understanding the awareness, attitudes, and beliefs among the medical postgraduate students. There was a statistically significant correlation between attitudes, beliefs and demographics (Bapat, Kedlaya, Gokulnath, 2010). Suggestions are offered to improve measurement strategy and to guide theoretically based organ donation research within selected disciplines of psychology (Radecki Jaccard, 1997). New strategies are needed to encourage organ donation. Altruism, the impulse that underlies our present system, is undermined by proposals that provide tangible inducements to improve donation which are, in their own subtle ways, coercive (Landry, 2006). Introduction Although the problem of shortage of tissue and organs in Romania has been acknowledged and approached in various ways, no proper methodical research in donor behavior has been done or systematic effort to promote such behavior and increase the number of donors. The main aims of research might be 1) to assess attitudes, knowledge, and intentions regarding donor behavior; 2) to assess the attitudes of health professionals towards tissue and organ donation, as well as their intentions to ask people about donations; 3) to develop two separate persuasive flyiers, one designed especially for the community sample to promote donor behavior, and the other one designed for health professionals to improve their willingness to ask people to donate; and 4) to test the persuasive value and efficiency of the flyiers in inducing and increasing donor behavior. Methods The study may be carried out in two parts. In Study 1, we assess attitudes, knowledge, and intentions about tissue and organ donation of 200 randomly chosen persons from the population of the capital of Bucharest, Romania, as well as of 100 health professionals in different hospitals in Bucharest. We also assess the willingness of health care professionals to ask their patients whether they may be willing to donate their tissue and/or organs. On the basis of attitude and knowledge analyses, two types of tissue and organ donation promotional flyiers are developed: one intended for the community sample and the other for health professionals. The Study 2, may be performed a year later, the leaflets are presented to another group of 100 persons from Bucharest population and 50 health professionals. We compare attitudes, knowledge, and intentions of community sample and health professionals presented with leaflets vs those not presented with leaflets, and assess the persuasive power of the two types of promotional material developed. Hypothesis The community sample presented with the leaflet in Study 2 may show significantly more positive attitudes towards organ donation when compared with the group not presented with a leaflet in Study 1. For health professionals, the Study 2 group presented with a leaflet might show a tendency toward less positive attitudes but significantly more positive intention than those in Study 1 not presented with a leaflet to donate organs. Discussion Presentation of flyiers succeeded in producing a tendency toward more positive attitudes and intentions toward tissue and organ donation. Still, a single presentation is clearly insufficient to produce significant change in all variables attitudes, knowledge, and intentions. The presentation of persuasive flyiers could be successful in improving the attitudes towards tissue and organ donation and increasing the willingness to donate. Obviously, a single presentation of the persuasive material may not be enough to make significant improvement in attitudes or intention to donate. Longerterm promotional interventions should be investigated as a potentially efficient method for increasing donor behavior.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Alcohol and Drinking - Alcoholism as a Disease Essay -- Exploratory Es

Alcoholism as a Disease   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Unfortunately, alcohol brings on the risk of many diseases. "Recent evidence indicates that a wide variety of diseased conditions are brought about by a substance that coats the body's red cells, causing them to adhere to one another in clumps. These clumps, sometimes called 'sludge,' can be created by the ingestion of alcohol"(Burgess,p.130). Alcohol has a disastrous affect on all of the body's organs, the main one being the brain. "At death, the brain of the dependent drinker or alcoholic invariably will reveal enormous numbers of small areas of atrophy in which brain cells have been destroyed"(Burgess,p.131). The brain begins to shrink when under the influence of alcohol. This means that the space that a brain cell took up is now gone because the cell has been destroyed. "In extreme cases most of what is left [of the brain] may be nothing but connective and structural tissue. The neurons themselves, the cells that do the work of the brain, have been destroyed"(Bur gess,p.132). If drinkers, casual or heavy, knew more about alcohol and the effects this drug has on the brain, the number of drinkers would probably drop to a very low amount of people. Unfortunately, this type of material is not made available to many people unless people got suddenly interested to look up the effects alcohol has on the body. There is another type of disease people do not know about called the D.T.'s. This disease is that of body convulsions. This disease is commonly mistaken as being epilepsy, but it is caused by alcohol. It is caused by people trying to quit drinking. The body is suddenly taken off a sedative and is having withdrawals. The withdrawals are convulsions which also kills brain cells. "Depende... ...t also all of the innocent people that are involved. With so many scary things that can happen to the body, why enhance death when a person ca try to prevent it?    Works Cited: Burgess, Louise Bailey. "Alcohol and your health" 1973. Denzin, Norman K. The Recovering Alcoholic. New York: Sage Publications, 1987.    Works Consutled: Berger, Gilda.   Alcoholism and the family.  Ã‚   New York:   Franking Watts, 1993. Graeber, Laurel.   Are you Dying for a Drink?:   Teenagers and Alcohol Abuse.   Ã‚  Ã‚   NewYork: Julian Messner, 1992. Kowalski, Kathiann.   "The Dangers of Alcohol."   Current Health   2 February 1998: 6-7. CD-ROM. Marlatt, Alan G.   "Alcoholism: Disease or Addiction?"   Professional Counselor October 1996: 104. Schulte, Brigid.   "How to Deal with a Family Alcoholic." Knight-Ridder Newspaper 23 December 1997.   CD-ROM.   

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Basic Accounting Assignment Essay

Generally Accepted   Principles, Balance sheet, Accounts receivable, Income statement, Debt, Liability, Double-entry bookkeeping system, Accounts payable 1- Explain the collecting, recording, classifying, summarizing, analyzing and reporting process of accounting. – Collecting:- Data obtained from various sources with the help of appropriate measures is called collection of data. – Recording:- Arranging the data into its chronological form is called recording of data. – Classifying:- Division of data according to nature of events is called classification of data. – Ledger is used for classifying transactions – Posting is the process of transferring transactions from journal to ledger. Summarizing:- This involves presenting the classified data in a manner which is understandable and useful to the management and other interested parties. Follow statements are prepared:- – Income statement – Balance Sheet – Cash flow statement – Analyzing:- The comparison of data in a business is called analyzing of data. For example, analyzing of present data with past data, or actual data w ith projected data. – Reporting:- Forwarding the results to financial users like chairman, directors, managers etc. is called reporting of data. – Discuss in detail the nature of accounts i. e. assets, expenses, liabilities, revenues and capital by giving examples. – Assets:- The resources of a business are called assets. They are of two types:- – Fixed Assets: Land, Building, Equipment, Vehicle etc. – Current Assets: Cash, cash at bank, A/c receivable, debtors, prepaid expenses. – Expenses:- The amount spent in a business with a view to gain profit in the future is called expense. Examples are rent expenses, salaries expenses, advertisement expenses etc. – Liabilities:- The financial responsibilities of the business for which it is liable are called liabilities. They are divided into two types:- – Fixed Liabilities (Bank Loan, Bonds Payable, Mortgage Payable. ) – Current Liabilities (Notes Payable, Unearned Income, Creditors. ) – Capital:- The amount of money invested by the owner in the business is called capital. – Revenue:- The incomes and the profits earned in the business through selling are called revenues. For example, Sales, Service revenue, Interest, commission earned. – Drawings:- The amount of money taken away by the proprietor for personal benefits is called Drawings. 3- Describe the accounting rule of debit and credit for accounts like assets, expenses, liabilities, revenues and capital. – Assets – Increase in Asset is debit. – Decrease in Asset is credit. – Liabilities – Increase in liabilities is credit. – Decrease in liabilities is debit. – Revenues – Increase in revenues is credit. – Decrease in revenues is debit. – Expenses – Increase in expense is debit. – Decrease in expense is credit. – Capital – Increase in capital is credit. – Decrease in capital is debit. – Select any twenty categories from the above and identify a transaction that will have the required effect on the business. 1- Purchased Goods on credit 25,000. 2- Gave services for cash 5,000. 3- Brought cash in business 65,000. 4- Adjusting entry of out standing salaries 9000. 5- Wa ges wrongly debited to Sales 400. 6- Salaries wrongly debited to Drawings 600. 7- Paid to accounts payable in cash 1500. 8- Goods returned by customer worth 650. 9- Withdrew cash for personal use 550

Saturday, January 4, 2020

What Is an Oxyacid in Chemistry

An oxyacid is an acid that contains an oxygen atom bonded to a hydrogen atom and at least one other element. An oxyacid dissociates in water to form the H cation and the anion of the acid. An oxyacid has the general structure X-O-H. Also Known As: oxoacidExamples: Sulfuric acid (H2SO4), phosphoric acid (H3PO4), and nitric acid (HNO3) are all oxyacids. Note: Keto acids and oxocarboxylic acids are sometimes mistakenly called oxyacids.